Vastu relates to the Vedas or the Scriptureswhich are said to ‘Apourusheya’ or that which cannot be dated it is well known by the term ‘Sthapatya Veda’ or the science of Architecture.
The ‘BrihatSamhita of Varamihira’ in the chapter ‘On house-building’ says: “I will now explain for the happiness of the astronomers and astrologers that has come down from Brahma through a steady line of intellectuals.”
The Science of Vastu takes into the fundamental principles considering the energies radiating from the four major directions and four minor directions, which helps to understand the orientation of the building or any other structure.
These directions help to create a layout of the site.
- The classical text like ‘Manasara’ and ‘Mayamata’ delineate methods of orienting the building with the help of a Gnomon, which in Sanskrit famously known as ‘Shankhu’
- In today modern era we use magnetic compass to check the direction without much effort of fixing the Shankhu.
- Once the directions are fixed, Mandala is created, construction to the foundation took place, walls around the compound or boundary, and they are exactly in the line with orientation.Shastra helps in creating a congenial setting or a place to live or of work which further goes to cleaning and planning made on the ground.
- The classical works in VastuShastra very clearly recommend that offerings should be made to the various deities. Beginning with Brahma who is assigned the centre of the Nabhi Chakra or portion of the site.
- Measurement of height,length, breadth, width or circumference, along plumb lines of thickness and inter space.
Sages also speak about certain lines running across a site crossing the Brahmasthara. As these lines correspond to several body parts of the VastuPurusha Mandala, they concluded that a lot more attention was given to build the structure and are known as theMarmaPoints.They are very carefully guarded while the construction takes place.
Various other events will go step by step are based on Vastu principles but are executed in the most auspicious time termed as ‘Muhurta’.
- Purchasing the land or the space.
- Laying the Foundation stone.
- Digging of well/boring/ or space for septic tank if required.
- Beginning of wall of compound and House wall.
- Paisacha calculation and the Space left without construction.
- Compound was fencing and general over view of the house.
- The main door placement called Mahadwara and placement of the interior in the house according to the requirement of the owner.
- ‘Sthapatya’ is the science to create well defines space.
Proper use of space and time, attribute and its parallel concept can definitely bring about quantitative as well as qualitative betterment in one’s life. Space is the geometric expression and time is the mathematical expression of the universe.Space is responsible for structure and the time is answerable for event.
In the ancient treatise of Architecture SamarangnaSutradhara of Bhojadeva(Chapter 26 titled ‘About Income and expenditure’), the lesson shares about the use of auspicious time to give fruitful and miraculous results in the construction of the place.
Various other Scriptures explain about choosing the best Muhurta of two ghatisfor approximate 48 minutes. When planets are aligned in a particular combination to create certain vibration of promises (yoga), it involves study of suitability of moments for particular actionfor anindividual; importance is given to the royal planets like the Sun, Moon and their positions.
VastuShastra and Jyotishcombine together to give beneficial results. It reduces the impact of malefic planetson theVastu of structure. The magnetic forces, developed by Synchronising time with land and material, will ensure well-being of the owner and protect him from all deformities.In scriptures of Manasara,evaluates the merits and demerits with following sloka:
TatraDosha Na Vidhyate
It means ,when the merit is more than the demerit, there is no defect in it, but if the demerit is more than the merit, it would be all defective.Vasturectification and muhurta selection will give grandeur effects. ‘SamaranganaSutradhara’ is a remarkable legacy of King Bhoja.His work deals with house planning, town planning and temple architecture. His book also refers to the canons of painting and mechanical devices known as Yantra. It said that one should pick up the correct time to initiate the various task in architecture:
One may initiate that in an auspicious month, bright fortnight and salubrious day.
Selection of the Masa/month to begin the construction:
This means that in the month of Caitra, the ownerwill get grief and in Vaisakha, he will be endowed with riches. In Jyestha, there is a threat to the life of the owner. In Asadha the cattle become defiant.
In Sravana, the augmentation of wealth and in Nabhasya(the month of Bhadrapada corresponding to the months of August-September) the house owner may not live, a quarrel or dispute in the month of Asvin may crop up and Kartika the subordinates or attendants get lost.
In the ‘Marghasirs’,the gain of wealth and in Sahasya (i.e. Pausa) the affluences of Kama(i.e. lust).’Magha’ may be the danger of fire and in ‘Phalguna’,the unprecedented glory or prosperity may be there.
VastuShastra is unique when combined with Jyotish. For instance, correct selecting the Muhurtareduces the impact of malefic forces. The magnetic forceis developed by synchronising time with space and substance. It will ensure well-being of the owner and protect him from evil eyeand misfortune.
Jyotish helps to pick up the most auspicious time for all the activities which go step by step for the structure of the building in ‘Devalaya’ as well as‘Manushalaya’. Auspicious time is influenced by differentcombinations of planets, for which the Panchaang plays a vital role.Like the selection of the day, lunar tithi, star sign, planet conjoining, masa(Month), placement of Surya, Ascendant, Navamasha.
Decide the most auspicious astrological time as under:
Vara: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are considered benefit days.
Tithi:2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15 of bright half of lunar month.
Star/Naksatra:Benefic-Rohini, Mrig, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Jyestha, Uttara-sadha, Sravana.
Average-Asvini, Pusya, Swati, Anu-radha, Satbhisa, U. bhadra-padaandRevati.
RashiSign:Ascendant -Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
The owners sign and city sign should not occupy 1, 3, 6, 7, 8,12 houses.
Ascendant should be occupied by Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, or Moon. Benefic like planet in own or exaltation sign should occupy 1, 4, 7, 10, 5, 9 houses also known as Kendra and Kona Sthana. Malefic planets may occupy 3, 6, 11 houses. Keep the 8th house vacant.
Month/Masa: Vaisakha, Sravana, Bhadrapad, Kartika, Pausa, Phalguna, Magha
Sun: Sun should occupy 2, 5, 8, 11 sign, most preferably in the 6th house. If not possible, keep the Sun in 1, 4,7, 10 sign. Sun in Ascendant will cause delay, hardship & water shortage. Avoid distance of 12° between Sun & Moon.
Ascendant:Ascendant should always be a fixed sign-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius and should be occupied by a benefic planet.
Navamsa: Navamsa should belong to 2, 5, 8, 11 sign and occupied by a benefic planet.
The most auspicious astrological time can be ascertained by combining the following auspicious time factors, which are important in astrology and when combined, it will produce the most auspicious time, which will ensure happiness, prosperity, good luck, good wealth and smooth life to the owner or builder.Following are the principles to follow in Jyotish to pick an auspicious time:
No Foundation or construction is recommended in the following cases:
Tithi | Direction of house | Result |
Poornima to K8
K9 to K14 Amvyasato S8 K9 of S14 |
North West South |
Malefic Malefic Malefic |
Method No. 1:
- Pusya, U. Phalguni, U. Sadha, Mriga, Sravana, Aslesa, P.Shadha combined with Thursday are very auspicious.
- Vishaka, Asvini, Chitra, Dhanistha, Satabhisa, Arda-combined with Friday.
- Rohini,Asvani, U. Phalguni, Chitra, Hasta combind with Wednesday.
Allthe above naksatra conjoin with respective days are lucky. The following stars become malefic when Sun occupies these stars at the time of construction Dhanistha, P. Bhadrapada, Satbhisa, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati. These are panchanga stars. Sun’s stars are also unlucky.
Method No. 2:
Any of the above benefic stars which are 2, 4, 6, 8 or 9 from the birth star of owner is considered most benefic. Avoid 1, 3, 5, 7 stars from owner’s birth star.
Method No. 3:
Count from Sun’s star (star occupied by Sun) at the time of construction to the star of the day (Moon). The result will be as under:
S. No. | No. of day’s star from Sun’s Star | Result | Benefic/Malefic |
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. |
First 3
Next 4 Next 4 Next 3 Next 4 Next 3 Next 4 Last 3 |
Death of owner
Unlucky Permanent Wealth Gain Destruction Loss & Poverty Sickness |
Malefic Benefic Benefic Benefic Malefic Malefic Malefic |
Including Abhijeet star.
Check them thoroughly before going for Foundation work.
- Please also synchronize with the star of owner.
- Also include the Abhijeet star e.g. 27+1=28.
Method No. 4:
- Count from the star of the owner to the star of the house. If balance is as under, reject them:
- If balance is 3 – causes destruction of wealth.
- If balance is 5 – causes Loss of reputation.
- If balance is 7 – causes death of owner.
Owner’s star andStar/Naksatra at the beginning of the event, if opposite each other-owner will reside in that house.
Method No. 5:
Count from Sun’s star to Moon’s star: First 6 stars are malefic, next 20 stars are benefic & last 2 stars are malefic.
Ascendant sign at the time of construction should be Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius, & occupied by benefic planets.
- Avoid 1, 4, 7, 10 sign in Ascendant.
- Avoid Ascendant sign which happens to be 8th sign from birth Ascendant sign of owner & also 8th from Moon sign of owner.
- Avoid the following signs, if this happens to be 6, 8 or 12th from owner’s Ascendant or Moon sign.
- If 6th sign-causes dispute.
- If 8th sign-causes death.
- If 12th sign-causes poverty.
- The owner’s sign & city sign should not occupy 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 12 house.
Ascendant should be occupied by Jupiter, Venus or Mercury in own sign or exaltation sign.
- Benefic planets should occupy 1, 4, 7, 10, 5, 9 houses.
- Malefic planets should occupy 3, 6, 11 houses.
- Keep 6th & 8th houses vacant.
- Sun should occupy 2, 5, 8, 11 sign
- Waning Moon is also malefic.
Benefic position of planets & houses:
- Jupiter gives benefic results in 1, 4, 7,10 or 5, 9 houses.
- Venus gives benefic results in 1, 4, 7, 10 house.
- Mercury gives benefit results in 1, 4,7, 10 house.
- Moon (waxing)gives benefit results in 1,9,7,10,11 houses.
- Sun gives benefit results in 3, 6, 11 house.
- Mars gives benefit results in 3,6, 11 house.
- Saturn gives benefit result in 3, 6, II house.
- Sun + Mars joining in any house will cause problems, obligations & worries.
- Sun &Rahu wall cause some evil spirit in the house.
- Sun should preferably occupy 2, 5, 8, 11 signs. Sun in Libra or to enemy sign will.
GrihaPravesh is a ceremony performed on the occasion of an individual’s first time entering their new home. The “Pujan” or the act of worship is performed in various stages, during the construction and entry of the home. Once the home is ready, the individual has to find an auspicious time to conduct the puja, in consultation with an astrologer.
Kumbhabhishekham, also known as Samprokshanam is a temple ritual that is believed to homogenize, synergize and unite the mystic powers of the deity. It is part of the consecration ceremony of Hindu temples. Kumbha means the Head and denotes the Shikhara or Crown of the Temple (usually in the gopuram) and abhisekham or prokshanam is ritual bathing. Kumbhabhishekham is widely celebrated as a festival inthe southern part of India.
Hence, Jyotish is the spine of VastuShastra, without which, planning however effectively executed, would lack the impact it seeks to achieve.
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