Jyotish and Vastu Support to Education

“Time and space are like endless rings without a beginning or an end”

-Pandit Sanjay Rath

Vedic knowledge for the building blocks of life

The Law of Time is:


From time, all is being emerged

The Mother of all creatures whether livingor non-living is time.Time is an eternal passage in which entire creation manifestation exists. Everything is feasible due to the two forms of Brahman– one is timelessand the other is time. One is called Mahakaal(lord Shiva) and the other, Kala (lord Vishnu).Harmonious relation between the two that gives rise to all the events in life. They are homogenousand inseparable. One is like ocean and the other is like a wave.

Time is termed as Kala and in Jyotish, it is known as Kalapurusha or the embodiment of time.


As in the atom, sois in the universe

The Space is the medium in vaastu and other phenomena exists around it. Space acts as a field in which vaastu emerges and disappears.

Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and directions.Balancing the jaivik organic stream with pranik stream is the learning ofVastuShastra. It is the essential knowledge to develop space in a manner which incorporates harmony and peace by blocking the Sun stream and enhancing the Moon stream.

Jyotish:Demystifying the conundrum

Maharishi Parashar taught the sixteen divisional charts in the classic text of ‘BrihatParasharHoraSastram’ to Rishi Maitreya. Rishi clearly explained through his sutras that there are 16 kinds of Vargas for each sign which, Lord Brahma, the universal grandfather has described. These Vargas are – Graha(Rashi or Sign), Hora, Drekkana,Chaturthamsa, SapthaMamsha, Navamamsha, Dasamamsha, Dwadsamamsha, Shodashamamsha, Vimsamamsha, Chaturvimamsha, Saptavimsamsha, Trimsamsha, Khavedamamsha,Akshavedamsha,Sasthiamasha.


‘D24’ Siddhamsha: From foundation to Summit

Siddhamsha or Caturvimsamsa is the varga which refers to the twotypes of Vidya –‘AparaVidya’i.e., the knowledge of everything manifested in mundane world andParaVidya’which refers to spiritual knowledge. D24 gives the vision to peep into thevarga to understand one’s capability,concentration capacity, interests,strengths, weaknesses and barriers in the path of education. Each Amsa is of 1degree15 min in this Varga.RisiParasarauses the word Vedavanvamsa to introduce the D24.

Education starts from the fourth house-‘Vijnana house’ of mother called theVidya

  • Formal school
  • Undergraduate
  • Masters
  • Doctorate
  • Student teacher relationship
  • Highest Degree
  • Spiritual Knowledge

And many such questions can be answered.

Siddhamsashows thenative’s spiritual knowledge, wisdom and siddhi of the highest order. D24 chart analysis the caliber of the native to receive knowledge, from primary to higher studies.

The NalanandaUniversity:A Benchmark of Educational Institutions

The ancient Nalanda University was one amongst the first great Universities in recorded history. Historical sources indicate that the University had a long and illustrious life which lasted almost for 800 years from 15th to 12th Century C.E. It was a completely residential university believed to have 2,000 teachers and 10,000 students. The profound knowledge of teachers attracted scholars from places as distant as China, Korea, Japan, Tibet, Mongolia, Turkey, Sri Lanka and South East Asia.

Telhara is a village in the Nalanda district of Bihar, India.It was the site of a Buddhist monastery in the ancient India. Located about 33 km from the ruins of the famous Nalanda University Telhara could be ‘Tilas-akiya’ or ‘Tiladhak’ the place Chinese travellers HiuenTsang visited and wrote about during his travels through India in 7th century AD.

This University was regarded as an Architectural Masterpiece and was enveloped by lofty walls and huge gates. The institute comprised of several temples, BodhaViharas, compounds,Stupas, classrooms and meditation halls. Parks and lakes also adorned the institutions, grounds. Furthermore, theexcavated ruins of the institute indicate that bright red brick was used in construction. One of the highlights of the Nalanda University was its well-equipped and colossal library housed in three large multiple stored buildings called as ‘Ratnasagara’(Ocean of Jewels).

The University Archeology was influenced by VedicVastu, Jainand Buddhist archeological elements.Most interesting is to understand the essence of planning and construction work of the institute and the grand workmanship is inspirational.

Mystic Setup of Space in Vedic Vastu

The vedic enlightened masters of India have formulated the space expression of vastu in 81 position and with 45 deities. By harmonizing our home or working place with this place and value system we can achieve all that we want in life.

Foundation of VidyaAbhyas in the Inhabitant

Vidya needs a lot of attention, focus and concentration for learning ParaVidya or AparVidya. One needs ample space to practiceand exercise multiple skills,to qualify in various other forms like art, literature, culture, health, science and many more.

Vastuhelps toalign the spaces and tries to create place according to one’s requirements. Over here we look for space to create education zone to practice their skills. The resident of the house specifically looks for a better suited place for his /her child’s room or study or library.

Many texts indicate that the North, the Northeast and the Eastare excellent zones for creating study space.Some scholars even supported Westdirection to begood and which can be used as thechildren’s room.

VishkarmaPrakash, the classic text, describes well defined ancient architecture.It very clearly allocates the interiors of the house. Vastu helps to improve the learning capacity, concentration and focus in the studies and other skills.

 To quoteVishkarmaPrakashthis clarifies the use of space:


The study room or a place to learn or gain knowledge is the space between the South-West and the West. It is called as the West-South-West (WSW) Zone; it is the space which is adjacent to the South-West direction and the West direction. This is the area governed ‘Vidya’meaning knowledge and ‘Abhyas’ means practice. Practicing what is observed, practicing skillfully and continuityof efforts will ensure gain of knowledge. This is the space which grants power, energy and capacity for retention of knowledge.

TheWestSouthWest (WSW): Education and Saving

The celestial bodies present in this zone are Dauvaria, Sugriva, Puspadanta, IndraandJay. The South-West is blessed by Pitras which is the source to give strength to thefamily relations. The ancestral energy gives great support and blessing to the progeny.Creating this space into the educational zone  bring blessing of these deities present inWSW.

The next generation happens to be more favored by the Pitras. Sleeping in this zone, children tend to become more skilled at multiple levels which help themto experience success in their life. Next to the Pitra is ‘Dauwarik’/ ‘Nandi’the dwarpal or the door keeper of infinite knowledge. He is the chief attendant of Shiva who spreads the knowledge in the eight directions. Afterdwarika isSugriva placed. Sugriva, as the name suggests, possesses external strength. He is theonly one who controls all weapons and powers of receiving knowledge, skills, money and grace.

TheWest-South-West   is the zone blessed by Indrajaya and Jaya, their names itself share their deeds. Indrais a great administer, he is the God who, with thunderboltkilled the evil serpent ‘Vritra’,who holds back and makes the rain fall, thus nourishing land and rivers. He brings resources down to the mother Earth from the sky father.Jay means victory in life. He is the celestial body which controls swiftness and conquers strength. Hence,WSW gives strength to the child to nurture various skills, develop their personality and enhance his caliber every now and then.

OppositetoWSW zone is the Zone of recreation known as the East-North-East (ENE). It should not be suppressed or extended from any point. ENE is the zone where deities like Diti, Aditi,Shikhi,Prajanya,Jayant,Aap and Apavatsal take their place in Vastupurusha Mandala to bless the resident of the house with resources of physical and mental strength. It is known as the zone of recreation which adds fun and entertainsin the house.

Shikhi is the source of all powerful thoughts and ideas.Parjanya (deity of rain) grants insights to and satiates curiosity. Jayant(Son of Indra)  is avery powerful devta who ensure victory in all endeavours.Aditi is ensures peace and is associated with mystic speech whereasDiti is a visionary who grantswider vision and liberal thinking. Apa is a healer who gives inner strength and Apavatsa isa messenger. Therefore, a well-developed ENE gives inner strength,inspiring ideas, and the strength of finding solutions to the challenges of life.Kids Staying in WSW facing ENE enjoy all the skills they learn .


 Suggestions to help create the best study area in your house:

  • An open space in the study room is ideal as it helps proper flow of cosmic energy.
  • The walls of study room should be painted in light and soothing colors.
  • This helps to create good mood and calmness for studies or acquisition of any skill.
  • Avoid using dark colors for the study room. It disturbs the study intent.
  • Use the posters such as dense forest, flowing water etc as it helps in generating new ideas.
  • Books and other objects must be placed in an orderly manner on shelf or on the study table.
  • You should not sit under a beam as it will affect your concentration.
  • The student should not sit in the line of study room door. The massive flow. of energy coming from the door may impact his concentration and focus.
  • The bookshelf should never be located over or above study table.
  • The study room should have images of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati
  • Placing a pyramid in study place balances energies and increases memory power.
  • Keep the study place well organize .A solid wall behind student signifies support to him.
  • Avoid attached toilets in study place as far as possible.

To conclude, fortune can be enhanced by using mystic Vastu in one’s life. This Shastra helps to create harmony and peace in the environment. Creating a study zone in the WSWspace increases the capacity of the student in multiple folds.Self- discipline, values and virtues need no enforcement, it comes automatically to the kids of the house, due to a well-developed ENE.


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Ritu Khurana is a prudent woman of experience based in New Delhi and is a strong believer of Vedic knowledge well ahead to match with the essential requirements of life. She worked as a teacher for twenty years in a reputed institute. M.A, B.Ed (English), she was successful in teaching and experimenting in English Language and Training (ELT) skills with Indian and Foreign students.

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